Award-winning retailer of stylish footwear along with their unique specialty run store desperately needed a website redesign. The challenge was trying to convey the website as a fashionable brand, and simultaneously a very well-respected run store. The execution and brand image could have gone in two very different directions. The solution was to have a clean look and focusing first and foremost on the products themselves for now until the operation could someday split into two distinct websites.

Instilling confidence in consumers to purchase from the website went beyond just a visual revamp; accuracy of product inventory, quality consistency for listings, and other operational business processes quickly increased sales, lessened bounce rates, and reduced returns.
- Website: Evaluated Shopify themes, information architecture, content creation, executed design and production.
- Business Operations: Created SOPs for staff to insure inventory listings were consistent in quality, included cross-sell listings, and other information with the customer’s needs as the first and foremost focus.
- Solutions and Efficiencies: Designed, produced, and implemented system for customers’ Special Orders that tracked status through the entire life cycle as well as gathering business and marketing data.
- Promotion and Evaluation: Google listings, ad campaigns, merchant account, and performance analytics.